Pop OS Linux is Coming to Raspberry Pi and Other ARM Devices Soon - Raspberry Pi Projects, Tutorials, Learning DIY Electronics - Makergenix


Pop OS Linux is Coming to Raspberry Pi and Other ARM Devices Soon

 Pop! OS: An Introduction

Pop! OS is a computer operating system designed for STEM and creative professions who use computers to learn and create. Unleash your full potential with open source software that is both safe and dependable. We have a feeling you have a lot of it based on your outstanding interest.

Pop! OS is built for quick navigation, simple workspace organisation, and a fluid, efficient working. Your operating system should facilitate rather than hinder discovery.

Pop OS Linux is Coming to Raspberry Pi and Other ARM Devices Soon

Pop! OS may be coming to ARM devices with the release of version 21.10, however System76 has not verified this.

For ARM devices like the Raspberry Pi, there was a period when only lightweight operating systems were available. Why? Because previous ARM devices featured low-end hardware with little RAM and CPU, they were ineffective.

Everything changed when the Raspberry Pi 4 8 GB model targeted desktop users, and the Raspberry Pi 400 doubled down on that with the release of the Raspberry Pi 400.

Pop OS is coming to the Raspberry Pi shortly!

Jeremy Soller, System76's Principal Engineer and Pop! OS maintainer, recently released a teaser shot on Twitter. The image is essentially a terminal snapshot of Neofetch running.

On this front, Systm76 has provided no more information. If I had to guess, I'd think the forthcoming Pop! OS 21.10 release will include an ARM version for Raspberry Pi-like devices.

Following the release of Ubuntu 21.10, Pop! OS 21.10 should be available soon. All of this leads us to believe that Pop! OS will be available for Raspberry Pi devices this month.

This is a good thing, because Pop! OS is well-liked among programmers. This might lead to an increase in the number of developers utilising the Raspberry Pi as a development platform.

This is an exciting development for me. What are your thoughts?

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