Raspberry Pi Projects, Tutorials, Learning DIY Electronics - Makergenix: News


Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
SpacemiT X60 RISC-V Processor Drives AI and Rapid Storage Capabilities in Bit Brick K1 Embedded System
LLMStick: A Portable AI USB Device Powered by Raspberry Pi Zero W and Optimized LLaMA CPP
PocketBeagle 2 SBC Combines TI AM6232 SoC with MSPM0 MCU
OpenWrt One/AP-24.XY: A Custom Router Board for Open-Source Networking
This month, January 2023, Raspberry Pi Pico W Bluetooth functionality will be available.
Untethered exoskeleton lab-based robotic devices that help wearers walk and run faster, with less effort Powered by Raspberry Pi Board
TinyMaix is designed for running AI neural network models on resources limited Microcontroller Units
Introducing Arduino multitasking with Arduino and other microcontroller boards
ZeroPlus LAP-C PC-based Logic Analyzer - The Debug Store


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