Write for Us - Raspberry Pi Projects, Tutorials, Learning DIY Electronics - Makergenix


Write for Us

Project Maker's are welcome

Publish your interesting projects on Raspberry Pi, Pico, Arduino or any you can also send us here (finexpertofficial@gmail.com) to publish it

Write For Us

We are still on the lookout for new writers. We want to hear about the ideas that will challenge our readers and drive our industry forward.

Depending on the subject complexity, we publish papers ranging in length from 600 to 2,500 pages. The average length is 1,500 pages. Custom illustrations are sometimes included in papers. Articles can be informal in tone and substance, which is ideal for less-intensive tutorials and blogs, or they can be rigorously organised and edited. All can be well-thought-out explorations of new and cutting-edge tech industry themes.

How to Make a Submission (and what happens next)

Send us an email (finexpertofficial@gmail.com) with your submission. We recommend Google documents for submissions so that editors can quickly provide reviews and advice directly inside the draught. You may also email us a plaintext file, a Markdown file, or a link to an HTML document. (Please do not submit a ZIP file containing properties unless specifically demanded by an editor.)

Here's what happens when you press the Send button:

  • Your submission will be reviewed by an editor to see if it is a good match. If this is the case, the whole team will go into it and discuss it. This occurs once a week.
  • The writer will compile the team's reviews and provide you with notes. (We rarely consider articles on the first try, but we'll let you know if we're interested.)
  • Give us your updated draught after you've answered our suggestions. The team will reconvene to let you know if we want to approve it.
  • If your article is accepted, an editor will work closely with you on issues such as organisation, argumentation, and design.
  • We'll schedule your release as soon as your revisions are done. We won't be able to send you a precise publishing date until the article is nearly finished.


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