How to Setup Pico RP2040 on Windows - Raspberry Pi Projects, Tutorials, Learning DIY Electronics - Makergenix


How to Setup Pico RP2040 on Windows


How to Setup Pico RP2040 on Windows
This project intends to build an easy-to-use installer for getting started with the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller board (and perhaps other RP2040 Chip-based boards) on Windows (using the C/C++ SDK). It is based on the pico-setup project for Linux computers and is basically comparable to it.

As described in the official Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico, the installers automate the required installation on Windows. Additionally, the installer provides the option to clone and build the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK for C/C++, as well as other associated repos that may be beneficial.

The installers make an effort to quietly instal the needed tools without user involvement. The installers are set up using the official guide's suggested choices. Advanced users who want to tweak the programme themselves may find it easier to download and instal it manually or with the help of a package manager.

Software that is Included:

NSIS 3 is used to create the installers. When a JSON configuration file is supplied to build.ps1, it generates the NSIS script. The build script downloads a local copy of NSIS to utilise for the build automatically.

There are configuration files for both x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) builds. MSYS2 must be installed before OpenOCD can be compiled. A local copy of MSYS2 is automatically downloaded and installed by the build procedure. The -MSYS2Path option allows you to give a path to an existing copy of MSYS2. If this location does not already have a copy of MSYS2, the build script will instal one.

It is strongly advised that you utilise a separate copy of MSYS2 for this build.

To construct:
.\build.ps1 .\x64.json -MSYS2Path ~\Downloads\msys64
.\build.ps1 .\x86.json -MSYS2Path ~\Downloads\msys64
The bin directory will hold the produced installers.

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