CircuitPython 6.3.0 is Now Available with Improvement & Fixes - Raspberry Pi Projects, Tutorials, Learning DIY Electronics - Makergenix


CircuitPython 6.3.0 is Now Available with Improvement & Fixes

CircuitPython 6.3.0 New Stable Version

CircuitPython 6.3.0 is the most recent minor revision of CircuitPython, and it is a new stable version. Numerous new boards have been added since 6.2.0, as have many adjustments to old boards and the creation of a consistent board. Most boards now include LEDs, and certain samples of RP2040 boards now have a timing correction.

CircuitPython 6.3.0 is Now Available with Improvement & Fixes

Firmware download from the downloads page. The site makes it simple to choose the appropriate file and language for your board.

Follow the steps in our new Welcome to CircuitPython! tutorial to instal. See this page in that tutorial to instal the most recent libraries.

Use the most recent version of the Mu editor to create and edit your CircuitPython scripts, as well as to easily use the CircuitPython serial connection (the REPL).

CircuitPython has a variety of "ports" that serve as the main implementations for various microcontroller families. The level of stability varies depending on the port. Atmel-samd, cxd56 (Spresense), nrf, and stm for the F4 family are stable as of this version. Other STM chip families, such as esp32s2, raspberrypi, and stm, are continuously being upgraded, but may lack functionality and have flaws. Litex and mimxrt10xx are under alpha testing and will have problems and missing features.

Changes made since 6.2.0

The whole commit log may be seen here. Almost all of the changes in 6.3.0 were backported from the main branch and will be included in future 7.0.0 versions.


  • Resolve run reason overwrite.
  • Frozen libraries should be updated. adafruit hid is intentionally set to 4.3.0 rather than 5.0.0.
  • Please do not leave the board.
  • On gentle reload, I2C() becomes locked. 
  • Fix the GC issue in ulab. v923z/micropython-ulab#387 fixes.


  • Many Adafruit boards now have LED pins.
  • UM pins are correct. TinyS2 is an abbreviation for TinyS2.
  • BDMicro VINA-D51 firmware upgrades
  • Correction of QT Py RP2040 D3 pins.
  • Add a flash chip to the STM32F4 Black Pill.
  • Reactivate storage for NeoPixel Trinkey.
  • Pi Pico now has a VBUS SENSE pin.
  • Repair the board.
  • Feather M0 Adalogger I2C() pins
  • Corrections for the Adafruit ItsyBitsy RP2040.
  • Adjust the crystal settings for Espruino Pico.
  • Repair the pins on the SparkFun Pro Micro RP2040.
  • On the Big Honking Button, free up PA00 and PA01.
  • Change the name of FunHouse.
  • Resolve the overwrite of run reason.
  • Pins on the SparkFun ThingPlus RP2040 to be updated.
  • Repair the SparkFun MicroMod RP2040 pins.
  • Increase the starting time of the crystal oscillator on the RP2040. 4. adafruit/pico-sdk


  • Remove the robots.txt file from ReadTheDocs.

Since 5.x, there have been significant modifications.

  • The class in i2cslave has been changed to i2cperipheral.
  • I2C.writeto no longer has a stop kwarg (). If there is no need for a pause, use writeto then readfrom.
  • The busio's default speed. I2C and the board I2C is now 100khz rather than 400khz as it was previously. Make use of busio. I2C is used to explicitly specify the speed.
  • The _bleio.ConnectionError class has been deprecated. Instead, the code will now throw the native ConnectionError.

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