RFID HAT For Raspberry Pi Review - Raspberry Pi Projects, Tutorials, Learning DIY Electronics - Makergenix


RFID HAT For Raspberry Pi Review

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) & NFC (Near-Field Communication) are very much common now a day and it also ease our life towards technology and slowly-slowly spreading in different use and it seems very much interesting using RFID & NFC by tapping to pay, tap to login, tap to turn on off features, opening doors and many more things we can do with it that make our life easy and saving time too.

RFID HAT a $24  Raspberry Pi HAT

Now SB Component developed RFID HAT for Raspberry Pi so that students and electronic hobbyist can explore many other new things with it.  This $24 RFID HAT comes with an RFID Module reader along with RFID Key fob and RFID Plastic card, for ease of use SB Components included a  small 0.91-inch OLED display, buzzer, and LEDs  so that user can find that device is working properly detecting RFID accessories.

RFID HAT for Raspberry Pi

This RFID HAT also contains a GPIO extension header, so that you can use other Raspberry Pi HATs or take it on other use. The RFID HAT (Hardware Attached on Top) runs a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) in the 125KHz frequency. 

Also Read:

RFID HAT Projects

There are several ways to use of RFID HAT and there are some application where RFID made things easier:

  • Contactless Payment System
  • Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Device Chaining 
  • ID Badging 
  • Control on the Access
  • Sharing Photos & Videos
  • Tracking Goods & Much More
SB Components "RFID HAT" supports all model of Raspberry Pi & connects easily on top of all Raspberry Pi Boards. 

Amazing HAT technology for Raspberry Pi, that unlock many hardware's with there different- different uses and explore imagination for the better tech learning. 

You can also find some instructions on SB Components store page, or check RFID HAT's GitHub page.

"We’ve seen many projects of  Raspberry Pi that makes great use of RFID technology."

Please share yours projects with this RFID HAT for Raspberry Pi.

RFID Expansion For Pico

SB Components also made RFID Expansion for Pico and that's also available to buy globally.

RFID Expansion for Pico


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