Programming Raspberry Pi Remotely with VS Code: A Step-by-Step Guide using Remote-SSH Extension - Raspberry Pi Projects, Tutorials, Learning DIY Electronics - Makergenix



Programming Raspberry Pi Remotely with VS Code: A Step-by-Step Guide using Remote-SSH Extension

 Tutorial on programming Raspberry Pi remotely using VS Code with the Remote-SSH extension:

Programming Raspberry Pi Remotely with VS Code: A Step-by-Step Guide using Remote-SSH Extension


  • A Raspberry Pi with SSH enabled and connected to the network.
  • A computer running VS Code with the Remote-SSH extension installed.

NetPi - Ethernet HAT foir Raspberry Pi

Step 1: Install Remote-SSH extension in VS Code

  • Open VS Code and click on the Extensions icon on the left-hand side of the window.
  • Search for "Remote-SSH" in the marketplace and install it.
  • Once the installation is complete, restart VS Code.

Step 2: Create a new SSH configuration

  • Click on the Remote Explorer icon on the left-hand side of the window.
  • Click on the "Add New SSH Host" button in the top left corner.
  • Enter the SSH configuration details for your Raspberry Pi, including the IP address, username, and password.
  • Save the configuration and give it a name.

Step 3: Connect to Raspberry Pi via SSH

  • Click on the SSH configuration you just created in the Remote Explorer.
  • Click on the "Connect to Host" button in the top left corner.
  • VS Code will establish an SSH connection to your Raspberry Pi.

Step 4: Open a remote folder in VS Code

  • Once you are connected to your Raspberry Pi via SSH, click on the "Open Folder" button in the bottom left corner of VS Code.
  • Select the folder on your Raspberry Pi that you want to work on.
  • VS Code will now open that folder as a remote workspace.

Step 5: Start programming

  • You can now start programming on your Raspberry Pi from your local computer using VS Code.
  • When you save your files, they will be saved on your Raspberry Pi.

Step 6: Disconnect from Raspberry Pi

  • When you are finished working on your Raspberry Pi, click on the Remote Explorer icon on the left-hand side of the window.
  • Click on the SSH configuration you created earlier and select "Disconnect from Host" to end the SSH connection.
And that's it! You can now program your Raspberry Pi remotely using VS Code with the Remote-SSH extension.

Step 7: Troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues during the connection process, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure that your Raspberry Pi is connected to the network and has SSH enabled. You can check this by logging into your Raspberry Pi via SSH using the terminal.
  • Make sure that your computer and Raspberry Pi are on the same network.
  • If you're using a Windows computer, you may need to install an SSH client like PuTTY to establish an SSH connection.
  • Double-check that you entered the correct IP address, username, and password in the SSH configuration.
  • Try connecting to your Raspberry Pi via SSH using the terminal to see if the issue is specific to VS Code.

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Programming your Raspberry Pi remotely using VS Code with the Remote-SSH extension is a convenient way to work on your projects without needing to be physically present. This tutorial has covered the steps needed to set up a remote SSH connection to your Raspberry Pi and start programming using VS Code. By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to establish a remote connection and start programming on your Raspberry Pi in no time!


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