Raspberry Pi 4 Based DIY Laptop - Raspberry Pi Projects, Tutorials, Learning DIY Electronics - Makergenix



Raspberry Pi 4 Based DIY Laptop

Here we are discussing to make your own DIY Raspberry Pi 4 Laptop at low cost by using Raspberry Pi as a main board or brain of the laptop.

After using several Raspberry Pi Based Laptop finally we got the LapPi : DIY Laptop for Raspberry Pi 

LapPi is a complete DIY Laptop easy to configure & assemble with many other option like you can use any Raspberry Pi which one you want to use, you can also select the screen size which you want to use and many more things.

Features of LapPi:

  • Easy to configure
  • Complete DIY
  • Acrylic sheet case
  • Battery operated
  • 5” & 7” screen size available
  • compatible with all Raspberry Pi versions
  • Easy access to all USB ports
  • Speaker set

Why should we use LapPi Raspberry Pi Laptop?

  • Easy to carry - it is very handy and portable
  • Learning device - using it you can learn various things like python (programming language), about         OS, Raspberry Pi Operations, designing robots, etc.
  • Easy to connect HATs for various DIY projects li PiRelay, Motor Shield, etc.
  • Easy internet access.
  • Easy to camera installation
  • Playing games and video

  • Check here all

    Raspberry Pi Based DIY Laptop 

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