Install NodeJs using the "Latest version" available for your Raspberry Pi all models - Raspberry Pi Projects, Tutorials, Learning DIY Electronics - Makergenix


Install NodeJs using the "Latest version" available for your Raspberry Pi all models

Installation Latest Version Of NodeJS

Install NodeJs using the "Latest version" available for your Raspberry Pi all models

This is a straightforward shell script that will install NodeJs in the "Latest version" that is compatible with your Raspberry Pi on all models (zero|1|2|3|4). Additionally, this is compatible with Beaglebone, Nvidia TX2, and other ARM6, ARM7, ARM64, and x86 64 Linux-powered devices.

GPS RTK HAT for Raspberry Pi

Initially, you must update NodeJs on your Raspberry Pi by entering its terminal and typing the following command:
wget -O - | sudo bash;
node -v;

Specific NodeJs version:

After launching the original installer, you may always install newer versions by starting a new terminal and entering the following command:
sudo node-install -v 4.9.1; # if you want to be specific


sudo node-install -v 4;
# then you will get prompted with which 
# specific version of 4 you wish to install


sudo node-install -v 5;
# then you will get prompted with which 
# specific version of 5 you wish to install


sudo node-install -v 6;
# then you will get prompted with which 
# specific version of 6 you wish to install


sudo node-install -v 7;
# then you will get prompted with which 
# specific version of 7 you wish to install


sudo node-install -v 8;
# then you will get prompted with which 
# specific version of 8 you wish to install


sudo node-install -v 9;
# then you will get prompted with which 
# specific version of 9 you wish to install


sudo node-install -v 10;
# then you will get prompted with which 
# specific version of 10 you wish to install


sudo node-install -v 11;
# then you will get prompted with which 
# specific version of 11 you wish to install


sudo node-install -v 12;
# then you will get prompted with which 
# specific version of 12 you wish to install


sudo node-install -v 13;
# then you will get prompted with which 
# specific version of 13 you wish to install


sudo node-install -v 14;
# then you will get prompted with which 
# specific version of 14 you wish to install


sudo node-install -v 15;
# then you will get prompted with which 
# specific version of 15 you wish to install


sudo node-install -v 16;
# then you will get prompted with which 
# specific version of 16 you wish to install


sudo node-install -v 17;
# then you will get prompted with which 
# specific version of 17 you wish to install


sudo node-install -v 18;
# then you will get prompted with which 
# specific version of 18 you wish to install
Please take note that EVERY raspberry pi running buster or above will be compatible with this.

Update NodeJs frequently:

Edit your /etc/crontab file to always maintain your Raspberry Pi running the most recent version of Node:
sudo nano /etc/crontab

Keep NodeJs updated at all times:

Edit your /etc/crontab file if you want to always have the most recent Node version installed on your Raspberry Pi:
0 22 1,7,14,21 * * root node-install -a;

At 10:00 p.m. on the first, seventh, fourteenth, and twenty-first of each month, this will update your Raspberry Pi with the most recent version of NodeJs.


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