Create your Own Music Player With BBC micro:bit - BoomBit - Raspberry Pi Projects, Tutorials, Learning DIY Electronics - Makergenix


Create your Own Music Player With BBC micro:bit - BoomBit

BoomBit - Music Player based on micro:bit

BBC recently launched a all new micro:bit v2 with many features along with the inbuilt speaker, But many of us using old micro:bit board and replacing it with the new micro:bit v2 board is doesn't sound good. Here the BoomBit comes BoomBit is a music player for micro:bit contain high quality speaker that gives amazing sound and you can also control the volume by the volume controller on it, does it sound nice...! yes for me now we can use our old version of BBC micro:bit board.
BoomBit - Music Player based on micro:bit

BoomBit also contain 3.5mm headphone jack...! it create another level satisfaction for buying BoomBit,  That's an amazing feature BoomBit contains, now you can use BoomBit without disturbing other by using headphone using 3.5mm jack on BoomBit. Some time people around us get irritated if we play our stuffs of speaker here you can use headphone with volume control.

BoomBit - Music Player based on micro:bit

No messy wires required for the connection of BoomBit to BBC micro:bit board, Connection to the micro:bit is so simple so that anyone can connect it with no guidance required.

BoomBit - Music Player based on micro:bit

Now everyone think BoomBit is nice but programming it gonna be difficult and takes lots of effort and training then I let you know you can easily code it or programme it as same as you were doing before on Microsoft MakeCode
BoomBit - Music Player based on micro:bit

BoomBit - Music Player based on micro:bit
Inbuilt speaker and headphone support | Volume controller | Easy connections


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