A Comprehensive Guide To Build an Application using Mean Stack Development - Raspberry Pi Projects, Tutorials, Learning DIY Electronics - Makergenix


A Comprehensive Guide To Build an Application using Mean Stack Development

In today’s highly competitive business environment, time is everything. In order to maximize your profits in the business space, one needs to understand how to best leverage the available resources and time. Thus, a software which allows you to run applications smoothly without much input is highly desirable and keeps you on top of your game always. Mean stack was developed just to cater to that requirement and has become highly popular in today’s time. A number of Mean stack development companies out there is just enough proof to validate the statement.

Mean stack project topics have the ability to provide a direct path to any cloud native applications. This improves the reach of the enterprises and helps them to deliver innovative solutions to their customers much faster. In the domain of software development, Mean stack project ideas are increasingly emerging as the next big thing. Here we are providing you with a guide to plan your Mean stack application project. Have a look.

Real Application Planning

Now, let’s assume that we are developing a working application on the Mean stack referred to as Mocr5. This will enlist all the nearby places with WIFI access where one can go and get some work done. It will also display opening times, facilities available, a location map for each place, and a rating.

Planning At a High Level

The very first step is to decide what screens you require in your application. We will focus on the separate page views as well as the user journeys. We can execute this at a high level, not concerning what is there on each page. A good idea is to sketch this stage in a whiteboard so as to visualize the application entirely. It also serves as a good reference point while developing as it helps to organize the screens into flows and collections. It is fairly easy to add and remove parts, change what is being displayed and where, or even change the number of pages you want as there’s no data linked to the pages or application logic supporting them. You might not get it right the very first time but you will improve with time.

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Screen Planning

Now, let us think about Moc5r. As already stated, our objective is as:

Moc5r will enlist all the nearby places with WIFI access where one can go and get some work done. It will also display opening times, facilities available, a location map for each place, and a rating.

From this, you can get an idea about some of the screens you are going to require:

     A screen that enlists all the nearby places

     A screen that displays details about an individual place

     A screen to add a review about a place.

 Perhaps, you might also want visitors to know what Moc5r is for and why it actually exists, and so should add another screen to the list:

      A screen for ‘about us’

 Splitting The Screens into Collections

 Now, you might want to take the list of screens and accumulate them where they belong together logically. For instance, the first three screens in the list all deal with locations. The ‘about us’ page doesn’t belong anywhere and can go in a miscellaneous Others collection.

 Application Architecture

 Although Moc5r is a simple application having only a few screens, you still need to think about its architecture as you are going to transfer data from a database to a browser, letting users to interact with the data and enabling data to be sent back to the database.

 Beginning With the API

 As the application is going to use a database and transfer data around, you’ll begin creating the architecture with the piece you are definitely going to require.

 Creating an API to interface with your data is the base point of the architecture. But the interesting question is how to architect the application?

 Architecture Options For the Application

 Here, you are required to look at the particular requirements of your application and how you can put together the pieces of the Mean stack to create the best solution.Do you require something special from MongoDB, Express, Angular, or Node.js that will wave the decision in a specific way? Do you need HTML served directly from the server, or if SPA is the better option?

 There are no specific or unusual requirements for Moc5r, and whether or not it should be easily crawlable by the search engines rely on the business growth plan. If the goal is to bring in organic traffic from search engines, then it definitely needs to be crawlable. In case, the objective is to promote the application as an application and drive use that way, in that case, the search engine visibility is a lesser concern.

 Now, you can immediately envisage three possible architectures for your application:


     A Node.js and Express application

     A Node.js and Express application with Angular additions for interactivity

     An Angular SPA


With these three options, which one do you think is the best for Moc5r?

 Selecting An Application Architecture

 There are no particular business requirements which can push you to choose one architecture over another. Developing all three architectures enable you to explore how each of the approaches works and allows you to look at each of the technologies in turn, creating the application layer by layer.

 You can create the architectures beginning with a Node.js and Express application, then adding some Angular before refactoring to an Angular SPA. Though this is not necessarily how you might develop a site normally, it provides you with an amazing opportunity to learn all the aspects of Mean stack development.

 Wrap Up in an Express Project

 The architecture we have been looking at suggests that you will have separate Express applications for the API and the application logic. This is absolutely possible and is a great way to go for a big project. If you are expecting large amounts of traffic, you might even want your main application and your API on different servers. An additional benefit of this is that you can have more specific settings for each of the servers and applications which are best suited to individual requirements.

 Keeping things simple and contained is yet another way for this and here you can have everything inside a single Express project. With this approach, you have only one particular application to concern about hosting and deploying as well as one set of source code to manage. This is what you are going to do with Moc5r, having one Express project containing a few sub-applications.

 When putting together an application in such a way, it is imperative to organize your code well so as to enable the distinct parts of the application to be kept separate. It makes your code easier to maintain as well as to divide into separate projects further down the line in case you decide it to be the right route. This is the main theme that you’ll keep coming back to throughout.

The End Product

 As you must have observed, you will be using all layers of the Mean stack to build Moc5r. You will also use Twitter Bootstrap to build a responsive layout.


 If you wish to put all these steps into practice, then we will be happy to assist you in the best way possible as per your application requirements. Connect with us over an email and our team will reach out to you very soon. 

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