Micro:bit BBC DIY Programmable Blocks Kit - Raspberry Pi Projects, Tutorials, Learning DIY Electronics - Makergenix


Micro:bit BBC DIY Programmable Blocks Kit

Stem:Bit - The Programmable Blocks Kit for micro:bit

Micro bit Robot

Micro:bit BBC DIY Programmable Robotics

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Stem:Bit is an easy to assemble and design codes about learning how to program the moves of different structures using the micro:bit. Using Stem:Bit you will learn programming, electronics, robotics and many more.

The easy assembling of the blocks to form many structures. and it is made even more easy with the help of an assembly manual that comes with the kit.

The biggest difference with this kit is that we combine electronic components with building blocks, and users can control them with micro:bit programming, such as infrared remote control, obstacle avoidance, tracking, colorful lights and other functions. In addition, our building blocks are also compatible with LEGO. If you are interested in building blocks and want to learn programming, this building block kit will be a good choice.

Building Blocks to Learn Programming & Programming to Stimulate Imagination


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