Serial Servo Motor With Real Time Feedback - Kickstarter - Raspberry Pi Projects, Tutorials, Learning DIY Electronics - Makergenix


Serial Servo Motor With Real Time Feedback - Kickstarter

SB Serial Servo Motor

SB Servo is a powerful digital servo motor, and it is also an open source motor with real time feedback with many modes for rotation.

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While making projects we face many problems like we bought a motor which cannot be driven using our hardware or incorrect connections with lots of wires and sometimes we’re out of GPIOs because motor takes a lot of pins. Suppose we haven’t face any problem above but in last we are unable to see the feedback of motors for all these problems above we developed SB Serial Servo Motor which supports all hardware available in the market like MAC, Windows, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, micro:bit, Beaglebone or many more and it does not required messy wire connections you don’t have to worry about the GPIOs and  it also provide real time feedback and it has two modes motor mode and the servo mode.
SB Serial Servos are made up of metal gears with high torque. SB Servo is easy to control which is excellent choice for embedded nerds.

SB Serial Servo has two variants:

SB-SS023 has a max torque of 2.3 helpful in lightweight robotic projects. This servo has dimensions of 23.2 x 12 x 25.5 mm(on the left and right).
 SB-SS15 has a max torque of 15 with dimensions 40 x 20 x 40.5 mm is for heavier applications (in the middle).

Sb servo

Major features of these serial servos are:

Sb serial servo

Who can use SB Serial Servo

Serial Servo motor

 Click here: Learn More: SB Servo Powerful Open-Source Digital Serial Servo Motor


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